Fast C-arm rotation: With an amazing speed of 80° per second and a coverage of 210°, Infinix-i Sky + is able to acquire optimum 3D images in less than three seconds regardless of the anatomical region.
High-speed image acquisition: The system's advanced imaging chain acquires high resolution cone beam CT volumes in just 10 seconds. Selective ROI reconstruction further helps maximizing visualization.
3D volume can be rotated and skewed to enhance visualization of anatomical vessels and adjacent structures
Early arterial phase DSA of Common Hepatic artery
Late arterial phase DSA of Common Hepatic artery
3D Roadmap obtained from arterial injection during LCI
3D volume can be rotated and skewed to enhance visualization of anatomical vessels and adjacent structures
Early arterial phase DSA of Common Hepatic artery
Selective DSA of Hepatic artery shows tumor blush
3D Roadmap obtained from arterial injection during LCI
Early arterial phase DSA of Hepatic artery following embolization
3D volume can be rotated and skewed to enhance visualization of anatomical vessels and adjacent structures
Early arterial phase DSA of the liver
Late arterial phase DSA shows tumors
3D Roadmap obtained from arterial injection during LCI
LCI (cone beam CT) with Multi-planar views post embolization of tumor
Advanced 3D roadmapping:
3D roadmapping enables you to superimpose a reconstructed, device-enhanced 3D image of vessels on the fluoroscopic image, enabling guidewire manipulation or catheterization to be performed while observing the course of the vessels.
DSA of the liver during TACE procedure
LCI (cone beam CT) with Multi-planar views of tumor
3D volume can be rotated and skewed to enhance visualization of anatomical vessels and adjacent structures
With an amazing speed of 80° per second and a coverage of 210° Infinix-i Sky + is able to acquire optimum 3D images in less than three seconds regardless of the anatomical region.
High-speed image acquisition: The system's advanced imaging chain acquires high resolution cone beam CT volumes in just 10 seconds. Selective ROI reconstruction further helps maximizing visualization.
3D volume can be rotated and skewed to enhance visualization of anatomical vessels and adjacent structures
3D DA provides Multi-planar views of tumor
3D Roadmap obtained from arterial injection during 3D DA
Early arterial phase DSA
Late arterial phase DSA shows tumor blush